Monday, December 12, 2011

For our final we were allowed to design our own project. I decided to make an illustration using a character I had drawn a while ago. His design made me think of aircraft, so I ran with the idea of a zeppelin war with   smaller drones fighting as well. I drew up some concepts to help me compose the piece. 

I got suggestions that my character seemed to happy to be in a war, so I changed him into more of a soldier and gave him an actual uniform. I researched about the altitude that the WW1 zeppelins could ascend to and costumed my character appropriately by researching the equipment used by fighter pilots. I then created a few value comps. 

After getting some feedback I went on to create some color comps. 

I really liked how the red created the sense of an atmosphere in flames. I decided to bring it to a finish. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Movie Stills

My class was given an exercise inspired by Mandryk Art. We were to pick a movie and freeze frame twenty images that we liked. We then replicated them in value. This exercise gave me much more experience with photoshop and good practice. The film is "I Am Legend."

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Costumed Figure Process Work

We took one of our gesture poses and turned it into a finished art piece. I began with this gesture. 
I began to do some quick thumbnails to figure out what kind of environment I wanted my figure to be in. I used her pose to help determine her location. I thought she might be holding a candle and leaning in to get a better look or crouching over to feed some animals.

I decided to work with the top idea and develop the composition some more. I cropped the image to help focus the viewer and cut out the unimportant parts. At this point I began to build up my value drawing. 

I had wanted to create a tense moment in with this piece, but I wasn't sure that the teddy bear would help that. To create a more dangerous feel, I tried adding in a bear skull instead. 

I then started to create some color comps. I wanted to use the color to make my image mysterious and dangerous. 

I still wasn't too happy with the feeling of the piece yet. I took some critique and developed the story more by changing the teddy bear. I felt that this change made the piece stronger and more interesting. 

I then did a color comp of this new composition. Instead of the classic red for danger, I used the green to make it more unnatural to mimic the weirdness of the living teddy bear.

I liked the feeling of this comp so I decided to take this to a finish. I polished up the edges and made some changes for clarity. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Costumed Character

 We were asked to create two pieces of a friend in a Halloween costume. One was to be done in value and another in line. 

                                                      Done with Prismacolor pencils.

Done in ink. 

Quadruped Walk Cycle

                                 A lioness in a walk cycle.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Human Gesture

A selection of gestures from live models. The times of the poses vary from thirty seconds to five minutes. Done in charcoal and graphite. 

Team Animation

A short animation I did with my partner, Cole Harrington. He animated the toucan and I animated the lion.

Bite and Chew

Fred, an assigned character, biting and chewing taffy.