Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Walk and Run Cycle Planning

    And another walk and run analysis! A cycle this time though. We were given a concept art of a character and I created a short back story, possible walk styles, shot reference video and analyzed. These are so incredibly helpful when I'm animating.

Walk Analysis

I was partnered with a classmate for my animation class. I created a story off of her sweet, quiet demeanor and then designed the walk of the character using the backstory. My classmate helped me shoot some reference video of her walking which I analyzed below. 

The backstory and possible walks...

and analysis of the reference video.

For Me?!

We were given a pre-made rig to practice posing. I thought this pose was cute. 

Some Old Stuff

  I did these concept art pieces for my modeling class a year ago. This was the first draft.

And the final.

I went to a website that gives character traits and attitudes for practice with concept. My description was "a beautiful, sore attorney who may or may not be an attorney."
More character design. I actually might be using Saer as my next character to model.

Trin and his thumbnails. I was trying different styles with the thumbnails and wound up with a few humorous designs. 

The Animatic!

Unfortunately this site dies whenever I try to upload a video, so the link will take you to my youtube video of my animatic. Feel free to peruse those videos there as well. Enjoy!


I was preparing for an animatic with this storyboard. 

Storyboards - Billy

Some larger storyboards after a thumbnail version and a camera map.